So... how far are we on Frindle? Have we gotten to the point where we know what a frindle is? Before Nick asked the question, did any of you ever wonder where words came from? Do you have a word that only you and one other person (like your baby sister or best friend) understand?
Now for a fun assignment. Have any of you heard of Mad Libs? Well this is an online Mad Libs! See below for screenshots from my Mad Libs entry and resulting story (Click on each screenshot to make it bigger). Now it's your turn. The only rule is that you guys have to use the word "frindle" (as a noun of course!). Then feel free to post your story.
Why did you choose your list of words? Are they words you use often? Are they funny words? Have some fun with this. I can't wait to see your stories.
I think Frindle was a good book, and it was very exciting. I thought that the war would never end. If you have finished the book and have any questions for me, I'd like it if you sent them to me on the blog. Also, check out this web site (after you finish the book):
P.S.--We could not figure out how to do our own Mad Lib. Can you help, Ms. Kim?
Hi Jeff,
Right above the first image in the original post is a link that says "Click Here to Write Your Own Wacky Web Tale" Click on that link to be taken to the website. Then choose your type of tale from the list and begin filling in words.
If you can't get to the site from the link, here is the url:
Oh and I just love the Frindle Jeopardy! That is great. Thank you for sharing!
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